NV-600WI Managed Industrial Grade Wireless VDSL2 Router USER’S MANUAL Ver. A2
Fields in Home page
Version Information
Software Version
Shows the current version of the Software loaded on the device.
DSL Firmware version Shows the current version of xDSL firmware loaded on the device. Applicable only for DSL platforms.
xDSL Information
Connected Standard
The DSL Standard which is being used currently between DSL CPE and DSLAM.
Modem Status
Displays the status of the physical xDSL Line in terms of the modem and mode selected.
Default WAN Connection
Wan Mode
Current WAN mode being used in CPE.
Link Status
Shows the status of default WAN connection.
IP Address
Shows the IP address of default WAN connection.
Connection Type
Shows the Connection Type information of default WAN connection.
DNS Server
Shows the primary and secondary DNS servers configured in default WAN connection.
LAN information
IP Address
Shows the IP address of LAN interface of CPE. This IP address to be used for accessing the CPE device
from LAN side e.g. Web UI, TELNET or UPnP sessions.
Shows the DHCP Mode on LAN interface of CPE device.
Ethernet PHY Port Status
Shows the status of first to fourth Ethernet port of CPE device.
WLAN Information
Shows the status of WLAN Radio-1.
Shows the status of WLAN Radio-2. (Available only in concurrent dual band WLAN platforms).