ProSafe 7200 Managed Switches CLI Manual, Software Version 8.0.3
Log Messages
v1.0, May 2010
Table 9-18: User_Manager Log Messages
User Login Failed for XXXX
Failed to authenticate user login. XXXX
indicates the username to be authenticated.
Access level for user XXXX could not be
determined. Setting to READ_ONLY.
Invalid access level specified for the user.
The access level is set to READ_ONLY.
XXXX indicates the username.
Could not migrate config file XXXX from
version YYYY to ZZZZ. Using defaults.
Failed to migrate the config file. XXXX is the
config file name. YYYY is the old version
number and ZZZZ is the new version
Table 9-19: Protected Ports Log Messages
Protected Ports
Protected Port: failed to save configuration
This appears when the protected port
configuration cannot be saved
Protected Ports
Unable to create r/w lock for protectedPort
This appears when
protectedPortCfgRWLock Fails
Protected Ports
Unable to register for VLAN change callback
This appears when nimRegisterIntfChange
with VLAN fails
Protected Ports
Cannot add intIfNum xxx to group yyy
This appears when an interface could not be
added to a particular group.
Protected Ports
unable to set protected port group
This appears when a dtl call fails to add
interface mask at the driver level
Protected Ports
Cannot delete intIfNum xxx from group yyy
This appears when a dtl call to delete an
interface from a group fails
Protected Ports
Cannot update group YYY after deleting
interface XXX
This message appears when an update
group for a interface deletion fails
Protected Ports
Received an interface change callback while
not ready to receive it
This appears when an interface change call
back has come before the protected port
component is ready.