Zhejiang Neoden Technology Co., Ltd
problem caused during printing process. In order to ensure the quality of SMT assembly, it is necessary to strictly control
the quality of the solder paste printing.
The amount of solder paste printing requirements are as follows:
(1)The using amount of solder paste should be uniform, good consistency. Solder paste graphics should be clear, try to avoid
adhesion between adjacent graphics. Solder paste graphics and solder graphics should be consistent.
(2)In general, keep unit area amount of solder paste about 0.8 mg/mm². For fine pitch components, should be 0.5 mg/mm²
(using stencil thickness and hole size to control in the actual operation).
(3)Printed on the substrate of solder paste compared with required value, a certain deviation is permissible, the covering
area of the solder paste on each solder pad should be more than 75%.
(4)Should be no seriously collapsing problem and edges neatly after solder paste had been printed, the dislocation shouldn’t
be larger than 0.2 mm, for solder pad of fine pitch components, dislocation shouldn’t be larger than 0.1MM, pollution by
solder paste is not permitted to the PCB.
Inspection by 2~5 times magnifier or 3~20 times microscope.
12.3.3 The defects of solder paste printing, reasons andsolutions
Excellent printing graphics should be uniform in both vertical and horizontal direction, full, clean all round, solder paste fill
solder pad. Using above such printing graphics device, after reflow soldering, will get good welding effect then.
Solder paste
Holes on the stencil not good
match with solder pad; No
enough precision of the Printing
easily cause bridge
Adjust the stencil position;
Adjust the printing
Solder paste
graphics have
icicles and dents
Scraper pressure is too large;
Rubber scraper hardness is not
enough; Holes are too big in the
Solder paste required
volume is not enough,
easy to appear faulty
soldering; solder joint
strength is not enough.
Adjust the printing
pressure; Use metal
scraper; Improved holes
designing in the stencil.
Too much solder
Holes are too big in the stencil;
The gap is too big between
stencil and PCB
easily cause bridge
Check the holes size in
stencil; Adjust the
parameters of printing,
especially the gap between
PCB and stencil
Graphic uneven
Holes’ wall are not smoothness
enough; not wipe residual solder
paste in using for many times;
Solder paste’s thixotropy is bad
Easy cause no enough
solder paste, lead to the
problem such as faulty
Wipe the stencil
Contamination of
the graphics
Not wipe residual solder paste in
stencil after using for many
times; Poor quality of solder
paste; Shake problem when
getting the stencil way
easily cause bridge
Wipe and clean stencil;
replace solder paste; adjust
the machine