There are two types of magazines: one can hold 18 cartridges, and the other can hold 12 cartridges.
The library houses the 18-cartridge-type magazine in the front and the 12-cartridge-type magazine in
the back.
The 18-cartridge-type magazine has nine columns, and the 12-cartridge-type magazine has six
columns. Each column can hold two tape cartridges inserted end to end.
When two or more drives are mounted, the drive slot is used as the escape slot. When only one
drive is mounted, an escape slot module is provided for temporarily storing tape cartridges.
Slot number
The slot numbers range from 1 to 30 for T30A and from 1 to 60 for T60A. In each column, the
slot in the back has the smaller slot number.
When a column contains one tape cartridge, that tape cartridge is housed in the front slot and an odd
number is assigned to this slot. When another tape cartridge is inserted into the same column, the
previously inserted tape cartridge is moved to the back slot and the slot number of this back slot
changes to an odd number. An even number is assigned to the front slot that now contains the newly
inserted tape cartridge.
Figure 1-4 Slot Number of Magazine(Above:T30A,Below:T60A)