4.13 Error Codes
If an error occurs during a communication, a check message will be printed. The following provides an
explanation of the information found on check messages.
A possible solution to the problem
The date and time of the attempted communication
The sending location (if the remote fax has a Location ID)
The number of pages which got through before the error terminated the call
The error code
The sample document.
You will also see a code listed in the Result column of the report. Result codes indicate the specific
problem encountered:
“D” codes occur while dialing
“R” codes occur during reception
“T” codes occur during transmission
Here is a list of error codes the fax machine may print.
Dialing errors
The remote fax machine is busy. Try the call again.
button was pressed while the unit was dialing. Try the call again.
The autodialer number was not programmed. Program the autodialer number.
The dialing time out occurred because the remote unit did not answer. Try the call again.
Dial tone was not detected. Try the call again.
Reception errors
T1 time-out. The calling unit was not a fax machine or the transmitting unit is having
Compatibility error. The calling unit is attempting to poll a document that does not exist.
button was pressed during reception.
The fax machine didn’t detect the silence period for ending channel when receiving RCR.
No response to FTT. Poor phone line conditions made fax communication impossible.
Enable the one second pause after CED on Memory Switch C:0. Also try increasing the echo
wait time on Memory Switch C:1 if echo is on the line.
No response to CFR. DCN was received from the transmitter. Poor line conditions made
communication impossible. Adjust the echo wait time on Memory Switch C:1. Try increasing
the output levels via Machine Parameter A:1.
Too many errors were detected during data reception. The carrier was interrupted. Increase
the data error rate on Memory Switch C:0.
DCN was received after FTT. Communication was not possible at 2400 bps. Poor phone line
conditions prevented fax communication. Enable the Eye Quality Check on Memory Switch
D:1 and D:2.
MPS/EOM/EOP was not received. Either the line disconnected before reception was
completed or the receiving unit detected too many errors. Adjust the data error rate on
Memory Switch C:0. It may also be necessary to decrease the receive communication speed
via Memory Switch C:0.