EDS-405A/408A Series User’s Manual
Featured Functions
Configuring STP/RSTP
The following figures indicate the Spanning Tree Protocol parameters that can be configured. A
more detailed explanation of each parameter is given below the figure. (NOTE: The user interface
for EDS-408A shows 8 ports.)
At the top of this page, the user can check the
Current Status
of this function. For RSTP, you will
Now Active:
This shows the communication protocol being used—Turbo Ring, RSTP, or none.
Root/Not Root
This is displayed only when RSTP is selected as the mode of operation. It indicates whether or not
this EDS is the Root of the Spanning Tree (the root is determined automatically).
At the lower portion of this page, the user can configure the
of this function. For RSTP,
you can configure:
Redundancy Protocol
Factory Default
Turbo Ring
Select this item to change to the
Turbo Ring configuration page.
Turbo Ring V2
Select this item to change to the
Turbo Ring V2 configuration page.
Turbo Chain
Select this item to change to the
Turbo Chain configuration page
Select this item to change to the
RSTP configuration page.
Ring redundancy is not active