EDS-405A/408A Series User’s Manual
Featured Functions
Save the current configurations to ABC
To export the current configuration file of the EDS, click on
to save it to the ABC.
Load the ABC’s configurations to the Switch
To import the configuration file of the EDS, click on
to load it to the Switch.
This function is used to restart the Moxa EtherDevice Switch.
Factory Default
The Factory Default function is included to give users a quick way of restoring the EDS’s
configuration settings to their factory default values. This function can be accessed from either the
telnet/RS-232 Console, or Web Browser interface.
After activating the Factory Default function, you must use the default network settings to
re-establish a web-browser or Telnet connection with your Moxa EtherDevice Switch.
Configuring SNMP
EDS switches support SNMP protocol. The available versions are SNMP V1, SNMP V2c, and
SNMP V3. SNMP V1 and SNMP V2c use a community string match for authentication, which
means SNMP servers access all objects with read-only or read/write permissions using the
community string
(default value). SNMP V3, which requires you to select an
authentication level of MD5 or SHA, is the most secure protocol. You can also enable data
encryption to enhance data security.
SNMP security modes and security levels supported by the EDS are shown in the following table.
Select the security mode and level that will be used to communicate between the SNMP agent and