SIP Server
: Enter the domain address of the SIP server used as registrar, proxy, and redirect
server. This must be a valid IPv4, IPv6, or DNS name.
SIP Server Port
: Enter the UDP port number that will be used to communicate with the SIP
server. This must be a valid port number between 1 and 65534. The default port is 5060.
Ports 1-1024 are reserved IP ports. SIP ports should be outside of this reserved
range and also should not use any ports used by the ACC system.
SIP Username
: Enter the username that is configured for the Video Intercom in the PBX server.
This field cannot be left empty.
Authentication ID
: Enter the username/ID that is used by the PBX registrar to authenticate the
Video Intercom. This field cannot be left empty.
: Enter the password that is used to authenticate the Video Intercom. This field is
optional and can be left empty.
: Enter the domain name that the Video Intercom will register to. Typically this will be
the same as the SIP server, but if your SIP server handles multiple domains, this will need to be
confirmed. This must be a valid IPv4, IPv6, or DNS name.
Registration Duration
: .Enter the time period, in seconds, that the Video Intercom will wait
before re-registering with the SIP server. This must be a value greater than 0.
The Registration Status field shows the current registration status of the Video
Intercom. If the Video Intercom is not successfully registered with the SIP server, the
status will display the reason for unsuccessful registration.
PBX Call Destination
: Enter the extension number that the Video Intercom will use when a
visitor makes a call. This field cannot be left empty.
5. Click
to save your changes.
When a SIP phone user receives a call, they can answer the call and speak to the visitor. If the visitor is
approved to enter, the user can use their DTMF code to grant door access. For more information, see
SIP Network Settings
You can modify the
SIP Port
RTP Base Port
values or use the default values. These both must be a valid
port number between 1 and 65534. The SIP Port and RTP Base Port cannot be the same port, and cannon be
the same as other camera ports assigned to the Video Intercom.
The RTP Base Port is the first port in a 2-port range, so make sure the input RTP Base Port and RTP Base
Port+1 are not already in use.
SIP Network Settings