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MINOS DIS TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI., 2017. All rights reserved. Reprinting, even of sections, only possible with the approval of
Document No: T-DYKM 1,5-2.2018_I.O.M./ Tarih: 09.07.2018
To start the the auger’s rotation, run tractor at 3/4 of rated tractor
RPM (no more)!
By means of changing the r.p.m. of the tractor PTO, you can adjust the auger
Figure 13 - The auger inside the feed mixing boiler.
There are some basic concepts that must be understood to achieve top mixing
performance with the Minos Vertical Mixer-Feeder.
A new machine will need an initial run-in period to polish the auger and mixer
sides to achieve correct material movement inside the mixer. Until the unit is
polished inside, one may experience material spillage, dead spots, or increased
horsepower requirements. The load size may need to be reduced until the unit
is polished inside.
Mixing a ration in a vertical mixer generally involves three steps; processing,
mixing, and unloading. The sequence and timing of these steps is very
important, and is different for every operator because of variations in materials
and conditions. There is some experimentation that must be done to work out
the best equipment, sequence, and timing for your particular operation.
4.3- Mixing Instructions & Precautions
4.3- Mixing Instructions & Precautions
(only for implements driven by a P.T.O Shaft)