MiniCAT™ User Manual v5.2
© 2014 Xoran Technologies LLC
3.1 Emergency Shutdown
In the case of an emergency, the system rotation can be stopped and X-ray emission can be halted
by pressing the
Emergency Stop
button. The operator E-Stop is located on the
Operator Control Box on the operator’s desk. The Patient E-Stop is located on the Patient
Controller which can be held by the patient during the scan.
Patient E-Stop
Operator E-Stop
When activated, the E-Stop control immediately shuts down the scanner, cutting power to all moving
parts and ceasing the emission of X-rays. The operator or patient should press the E-Stop
in case
of emergency or system malfunction
where the safety of the patient or operator is at risk, such
Extreme patient motion during acquisition (i.e. standing up).
Software malfunction (i.e. frames do not appear during image acquisition).
A person or object enters the gantry path during acquisition
After pressing the E-Stop:
Have the patient exit the scanner
Rotate the E-Stop button clockwise to reset the MiniCAT
Contact Xoran Customer Service if additional support is required.
After pushing the E-Stop, the overhead gantry can be manually rotated so that the patient can safely