Microtronix Access User Guide
called X.121 address
calling X.121 address
PID or user data
Matched connections are routed to a TCP outbound connection with:
destination IP address and TCP port number
via specific local IP interface option
via specific local TCP port number option
using specified encapsulation or conversion method
15.2.4 TCP to X.25 Connection Mapping and Address Translation
Incoming TCP/IP connections are scanned for a match from any or all of:
TCP port number (mandatory listener)
local IP interface (or VLAN)
remote IP address
remote TCP port number
Matched connections are routed to an X.25 outbound connection with any or all of:
X.25 interface selection (WAN port or XOT)
destination (called) X.121 address
source (calling) X.121 address
PID and userdata
X.25 and/or DTE facilities
Using specified encapsulation or conversion method
15.2.5 Asynchronous X.28/Serial Features
baud rate (300 – 115200 bps)
data bits (5 – 8)
parity (odd, even, none)
stop bits (1, 2)
flow control (none, soft-XON/XOFF, modem-RTS/CTS)
TCP port connection
15.2.6 Synchronous HDLC Features
software configurable interface types: RS232/V.24, RS530, X.21, V.35, RS449/V.36
Internal and external clock sources