Microtronix Access User Guide
4.6 System Logging
This page allows access to the configuration of the sytem logging interface and log file rotation. Log
files are rotated by the log rotation script scheduled to run just before midnight local time. The current
log file is zipped and saved on the root file system (/var/backups/) or on any mounted USB flash drive
4.6.1 Remote logger IP address
To send logs to a remote syslog server, enter the IP address of the server in this field. The remote
syslog server must be able to accept remote syslogs. The default port is UDP 514, but this can be
modified by appending “:<port#> to the IP address.
If this field is changed, the syslog daemon will be restarted when the Update button is clicked
4.6.2 Rotation age
Enter the number of days that log files will be retained. Files older than this age will be deleted. If files
are being saved to the root file system, keep this value as short as possible to prevent the limited space
from being filled. Files may be transferred to a file server (see below).
4.6.3 Remote File server
Rotated log files may be saved to a remote file server. Enter the server's IP address, the transfer
method (FTP, SFTP, or SCP), and the account credentials. SFTP and SCP will require that the local
authentication key file be copied to the remote file server.