Microtronix Access User Guide
3 Initial Start-up Procedure
The first step in the initial setup is to configure the IP address and network parameters. This may be
accomplished through the serial console port, or using a web browser from a PC on a reachable
Ethernet network.
Obtain the following information from your network administrator:
IP address to be assigned to the Access Gateway
subnet mask
address of the default gateway
Domain Name Server (DNS)
3.1 Configuring IP from the Ethernet port
The IP address can be configured using a standard Internet browser from a PC. The default IP address
of the Access Gateway is
. The procedure is:
1) Configure a PC's Ethernet/LAN to have an IP Address on the same subnet, for example:, subnet mask
2) Connect the red Ethernet crossover cable between the PC and the unit, or connect to a common
hub using the blue Ethernet patch cable.
3) Connect power cord to the Access Gateway unit
4) Open an Internet browser on the PC to navigate to
5) Login with username “admin” and password “admin”.
6) Select the
option from the menu in the left pane of the main screen.
7) Configure the desired IP address and network parameters as outlined in the
8) Remove the red crossover cable, if used, and connect to the network using a standard Ethernet
patch cable.
9) Restore the PC's previous IP settings.
3.2 Configuring Default IP from the Console port
WAN port 0 also serves as a console port during boot-up after power is applied. There is a 10 second
window that interrupts the boot process to allow configuration using the console port.
To configure default IP network values in the bootup environment:
1) Connect the Console Cable between a PC COM port and the console port of the Access
Gateway. A USB serial adapter will be required on the PC if it does not have a serial COM port.
2) Start a terminal emulator like putty or HyperTerminal on the PC and select the correct COM port.
3) Set the COM port for: 9600 bits per second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
4) Connect power cord to apply power to the Access Gateway unit. Startup messages will appear
followed by the message: “
Autoboot in 10 seconds (Enter password to stop)…
5) Before the 10 second timer expires, type the password “
”. (The “
” prompt will be
displayed). Retype from the beginning if an error is made.