Kodak Color Management System C-3
How CMS Translates between Devices
When you scan an image, a CMS uses the information about the scanner—
stored in the Scanner Color Profile—to translate the RGB image from the
scanner to the Profile Connection Space. The CMS then uses the information
about your monitor—stored in the Monitor Color Profile—to translate the
image from the Profile Connection Space to your monitor color space, where
you see it displayed.
In this example, the scanner is the “source” device, and the monitor is the
“destination” device.
When you print the image, the CMS again translates the image data from the
monitor’s RGB color space to the printer’s CMYK color space—using the
information about both devices as stored in their Color Profiles.
So, although all of the devices in this example use different device dependent
color spaces, the CMS is able to translate between them and produce accurate,
predictable color.