54 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Windows
Image Dimension controls
These controls allow you to adjust the various factors that affect the image,
including the width and height of your image when it is first scanned (Scan
Frame), the scaling factor, and the dimensions of the image in final output.
Scan Frame (input) x Scaling = output
This mathematical formula indicates the relation of the input dimensions to
scaling and how these factors affect image dimensions when the image is
The Input-Output dimensions consist of four edit boxes: Scan Frame width,
Scan Frame height, output width, and output height. These edit boxes are
linked to the use of Fixed Scan Frame, and the boxes may or may not be edited
depending on whether the Fixed Output Sized is checked or not. Below are the
Scan Frame
Use the Scan Frame dimensions to specify your scan frame; or drag on the scan
frame to whatever size you want, and the dimensions will be reflected in the
Scan Frame width and height boxes.
The Scan Frame dimensions can be changed only if the Fixed Scan Frame is
unchecked, and this is evident because only the Scan Frame dimensions are
active (not grayed out).
The output dimensions determine the width and
height of your image when output to a device
such as a monitor or printer. The output
dimensions can be changed only if the Fixed
Output Size is unchecked.
The output dimensions are grayed out, indicating
that they cannot be edited in this situation. The output boxes, however, will
respond to any changes in the Scan Frame boxes (and scaling).