66 Microtek ScanWizard Pro for Windows
White/Black Points tool
For color and gray images, this tool allows you set white/black points; for line-
art image, it carries out threshold adjustment feature.
The White/Black Points dialog box
(Color/Gray image)
By default, this tool automatically determines the lightness (but not chroma and
hue) of a prescan color or gray image. When the default setting fails to provide
the lightness you want for your prescan, you can click the Auto
Auto button to allow
the tool to analyze your prescan and then auto-clip the White and Black points
of the Lightness histogram to optimize lightness of the output image. You can
override the auto setting by providing your own custom clipping values in the
L" edit box for both White and Black points or .
The tool also provide option to auto-neutralize undesirable color cast in either
or both highlight and shadow areas of the image.
Click to apply the
automatic (Scan-
Wizard Pro algorithm)
or custom clipping
setup values of the
Enter custom Lightness,
Chroma, & Hue values for
Shadow (Black) area here.
C & H values are
applicable only when the
Shadow check box of
Auto Neutralize is enabled
Click to define custom
parameters (in %) for
Auto Clipping, Output
Levels, and Highlight/
Shadow Markers
Click to save and add
the current custom
setting to Lightness
preset settings
Observe Histogram Input Lightness,
Pixel Counts, & % of Lightness
values at cursor position as it is
swept around the histogram
Check to Auto-
Neutralize unwanted
color cast in Highlight
(White) area (LCH
Mode only)
Click to revert to
the Scan Wizard
Pro default setting
Click to revert to the
custom setting defined
right after current start up
Check to Auto-
Neutralize unwanted
color cast in Shadow
(Black) area (LCH
Mode only)
Enter custom Lightness,
Chroma, & Hue values for
Highlight (White) area here.
C & H values are
applicable only when the
Highlight check box of
Auto Neutralize is enabled
Drag sliders to define
custom Lightness settings
Access to
other AIC tools