Reference: The Scan Job Window 101
To see how the scan jobs relate to the titles in the Scan Job window, try this.
Click on the first scan job title. The scan job that becomes active will be
the left half of the image (in color). In the Scan Job window, the title will
be highlighted, indicating that it is the current scan job.
Click on the second title, and the second scan job is activated (upper
right-hand part of image, in grayscale). The second title will now be
highlighted because it will be the current scan job.
7. To designate the scan job to be processed and scanned, select the scan job
and click on the Check button. The checked scan job(s) will then be scanned
in the order that they appear in the Scan Job window, and they will be
delivered separately to your image-editing software.
First scan job
Clicking on the first title activates the first image. Clicking on
the second title will activate the second image.
scan Job