Reference: The Settings Window 83
Coordinates information of cursor
position within grid
Dragging the lower
left section of the
line above the
default diagonal line
will add shadow to
light tones
Dragging the upper
right section of the
line below the default
diagonal line will add
lightness to shadow
Use this pointer to click
and create handles on
the zoomed in curve or
Drag Zoom tool to grid and click to
magnify the curve/line. Then use the
Hand pointer to pan around the
zoomed curve/line to fine tune its
position on the grid. Press Shift key
and click Zoom tool to zoom out grid
back to normal size
Current Tone Curve method
used is
Dragging the Gamma handle toward left
(Gamma value above 1.00), will lighten the
dark tones. Likewise, dragging the handle
toward right (Gamma value below 1.00), will
add shadow to light tones & vise versa
These sections
of color tones are
Instead of dragging the
Gamma handle, you may
directly enter the appropriate
Gamma value in this setting
edit box
Enable this check box to
show simulated effect of
the adjustment on the
prescan image
Current Tone Curve method
used is
Click on this expansion
arrowhead to retrieve a
custom setting (
test4) saved under
"Save As" button