Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
2.5.1 Overview Functions
General settings
Startup delaytime
Selection of 24V AC or 230V AC mode
Objects for requirement Heating/Cooling
Adjustment of heating/colling switchover
Protection of forse fit activatable
Behavior after bus power reset
Summer/Winter mode adjustable
Channel selections
switching (1Bit)
continous (1Byte)
integrated controller
switching (1 Bit)
Switching functions
Valve type adjustable
Blocking objects activatable
Adjustable emergency mode
Forced position/dew point alarm adjustable
Status objects for the control value activatbale
continuous (1 Byte)
Switching functions
same as switching-mode (1Bit)
Control value functions
PWM-cycle time parameterize able
Minimum & Maximum limitation of the
control value at heating parameterize able
Minimum & Maximum limitation of the
control value at cooling parameterize able
Flow temperature limit
(additional temperature sensor at the flow
Switching functions
same as switching-mode (1Bit)
Control value functions
same as continuous-mode (1Byte)
Controller functions
System (2 Pipe/4 Pipe) adjustable
4 modes individual parameterize able
Priority of the modes adjustable
Switchover of the mode by Bit or Byte object
Setpoint shift parameterize able
Message for exceeded/underflow of
adjustable temperature available
Heating-/Cooling system by control
parameters adjustable
Table 1: Overview functions