Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
4.1.3 Heating/Cooling requirement & switchover
The switchover for heating and cooling defines whether the heating actuator shall switch a cooling or
Figure 11: Heating/Cooling switchover
The following chart shows the dynamic range for this parameter:
Sub function
Dynamic range
[default value]
Object for requirement
not active
send 1 if required
send 0 if required
send 1 if required, 20
min power off delay
send 0 if required, 20
min power off delay
Activation of the object
heating/cooling requirement and
adjustment of the signal for
Switching for cooling
not active
via object
via object cooling
Adjustment whether the actuator
shall switch a cooling or not;
defines the switchover between
heating and cooling.
Control values set to 0% at
summer mode
This setting can only be done if
the ooli g is hose as ot
a ti e .
Table 11: Heating/Cooling switchover
The heating actuator can control as well heating-systems as cooling-systems and combined systems.
Adjusti g the s it ho e et ee heati g a d ooli g a e do e the pa a ete “ it hi g fo
ooli g . This pa a ete defi es hethe the s it ho e shall e
done via an own object or via the
o je t su
e / i te . Fo ea h ha el a e adjusted i di iduall hethe it shall ea t to the
switchover or not.
If the switchover is done by the object summer/winter, the actuator will switch automatically to
heating at the winter mode and to cooling at the summer mode. At the switchover via an own object,
the s it ho e ill e do e ia the o je t heati g/ ooli g . A logi al
s it hes the ooli g o
a d a logi al
the heati g o .
The setti g Co t ol alues set to % at su
e ode a o l e a ti ated if the heati g/ ooli g
switchover is disabled.