Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
As soon as the emergency mode is activated, further settings are for the emergency mode available.
The setti g E e ge
ode at failu e afte ha ge of
adjusts the time when the channel shall be
activating the emergency mode. Every communication object of the control value needs a cyclic
incoming value. When the adjusted time runs out, the channel switches to the emergency mode. At
the ope ati g ode i teg ated o t olle , the e e ge
ode is t igge ed he the heati g
actuator does not receive a temperature value for the adjusted time.
For both operating modes, summer and winter, a fixed value can be adjusted for an emergency
mode. The fixed value can be adjusted in a percental value from 0-100%. The fixed value is converted
into a PWM-signal with a fixed PWM-cycle of 10min. This setting prevents the heating of an
unchecked use in case of a failure of the temperature controller.
4.3.4 Forced position/Dew point alarm
Additional for every channel a forced position or a dew point alarm can be activated:
Figure 18: Forced position/Dew point alarm
The dynamic range of this parameter is shown at the chart:
Sub function
Dynamic range
[default value]
Forced position/ dew point
Activation of a forced position or
a dew point alarm
Table 26: Forced position/Dew point alarm
If a de poi t ala is sele ted a fu the o
u i atio is sho . B se di g a logi al
, the de
point alarm
is a ti ated. A logi al
dea ti ates the de poi t ala agai . The de poi t ala
sets the control value at the cooling mode to 0%:
Dew point alarm
1 Bit
activates the dew point alarm
Table 27: Communication object dew point alarm