Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
4.5.4 Setpoint offset
The following settings are available at the ETS-Software:
Figure 28: Setpoint offset
The following chart shows the dynamic range for this parameter:
Dynamic range
[default value]
Max setpoint offset
indicates the maximal offset
Setpoint value offset over*
2 Byte
1 Bit
Adjsutment of the object for the
setpoint offset
Max setpoint offset valid for
scope of the setpoint offset
Reset setpoint offset after
change of mode
Adjustment, whether a setpoint offset is
still valid after change of operating
mode or not
Send setpoint change
Adjustment, whether a change of mode
should be send or not
Table 46: Setpoint offset
* only from Hardware Revison 2.0
The setpoint can be changed manual by the setpoint offset without a new parameterization by the
ETS-Software. Therefore, 2 variants are available. On the one hand a new setpoint can be pretended
the o
u i atio o je t “etpoi t o fo t .
On the other hand the adjusted setpoint can be
eased o de eased a ual the o
u i atio o je t a ual setpoi t alue offset .
At the read in of a new absolute comfort setpoint, the controller becomes a new basis comfort
setpoint. The new basic comfort setpoint causes also an adaption of the indirect setpoints at the
other operating modes. Through this function it is for example possible to read the actual room
te pe atu e as e asi o fo t setpoi t i . The setti gs a setpoi t offset , a
offset alid fo a d Reset setpoi t offset afte ha ge of ode a e ot alid at this a ia t of
setpoint offset, because the controller becomes a complete new setpoint. Specifying a new value is
possi le alli g the o je t “etpoi t o fo t .