Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
4.3 Channel Configuration
switching 1 Bit
If the ha el is sele ted as s it hi g Bit , the follo i g pa a ete izatio optio s a e sho at
the submenu for the channel:
Figure 16: Channel configuration
s it hi g
As soon as the channel is
sele ted as s it hi g Bit , a o
u i atio o je t of the size Bit is
shown for the control value. This object must be connected to the object, which shall be used to
control the valve, via a group address. The incoming signal for the control value can e.g. be sent from
Room temperature controller like the SCN-RT, which is adjusted as 2 step controller or as PWM-
Control value
1 Bit
Processes the incoming control value
Table 18: Communication object Control value 1Bit
4.3.1 General setting
The first basic setting is to choose which type of valves, normally closed or normally opened, is given.
So the actuator can transmit the right values to the valves:
Sub function
Dynamic range
[default value]
Valve type
not energized closed
not energized opened
Adjustment of the valve type
Table 19: Valve type
This setting is to configure the output, that it can transmit the right switching state to the output
according to the given signal. This is only an adaption to normally closed or normally opened contacts
of the al es. At the setti g ot e e gized losed , the output sig al is i e ted.