Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] •
If a forced position is activated, new setting options will be available, which are shown at the chart
Sub function
Dynamic range
[default value]
Forced position/ dew point
Forced position
Forced position is activated
Control value for forced
position winter
100%, 90%, 80%, ..., 0%
Adjustment of the control value at
the winter mode by an activated
forced position
Control value for forced
position summer
100%, 90%, 80%, ..., 0%
Adjustment of the control value at
the summer mode by an activated
forced position
Table 28: Forced position
The forced position drives the control value to a fixed position. Thereby, the forced position
differences between the summer and the winter mode. For both modes are fixed values of 0% to
100% parameterizing able. The heating actuator works at the forced value as PWM controller with a
fixed PWM-cycle of 10min.
A logi al
a ti ates the fo ed positio . B se di g a logi al
, the fo ed positio is dea ti ated
and the channel goes back to its last value or the last received telegram for the control value.
Forced position
1 Bit
activates the forced position
Table 29: Communication object forced position