Technichal Manual Heating Actuators AKH
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen
• Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49
• [email protected] • www.mdt.de
Via the pa a ete O je t fo e ui e e t Heati g/Cooli g a e adjusted, hethe a additio al
object for the requirement of a heating or cooling process shall be shown. This object has its usage
e.g. at a pump control. If all valves are closed, for example the pump can be switched off to save
e e g . Via the setti g se d if e ui ed / se d if e ui ed , the pola it of this o je t a e
defined. The s
etti g se d if e ui ed effe ts, that the o je t se ds a
at a e ui e e t a d a
he it is ot used. The additio al po e off dela p e e ts the a tuato off a to f e ue t
switching, e.g. at the PWM mode.
The following chart shows the belonging communication objects:
Length Usage
1 Bit
Switchover between heating(=1) and cooling(=0)
1 Bit
if all al es a e losed a d
if one or
more are open
Table 12: Communication object Summer/Winter mode
4.1.4 Protection of forse fit
The following illustration shows the settings for this parameter:
Figure 12: Protection of forse fit
The following chart shows the dynamic range for this parameter:
Sub function
Dynamic range
[default value]
Protection of forse fit (all 6 days
for 5min valve open/close)
activates the protection of forse
Table 13: Protection of forse fit
To be sure, that a valves, which was not opened for a long period of time, does not block, the heating
actuator has a protection of forse fit. This protection controls all channels at a fixed period of 6 days
for 5 min and drives the valves once completely open.
So, a smooth operation of the valves can be secured.