Page 9 P/N 03521015 Rev U1
Bio-Medical Devices Intl
17171 Daimler Street Irvine, CA 92614 800-443-3842
NIOSH (Contents within magenta background):
MAXAIR Systems provide HE- High Efficiency Particulate Air Filtering per
NIOSH 42 CFR 84.
● “HE" and "NIOSH" are specific terminology for Filter Protection Classifications per NIOSH VFR.
● Purple label background color is specific to NIOSH Filter color coding requirement per ANSI Z88.7-2001.
Artwork Shown is for Reference Only.
The purchaser/user is responsible for determining the appropriateness of the CAPR System for each/any of
their particular applications/environments.
Regulatory Marking Definitions
Filter markings and colors contain shared and unique information respective to the NIOSH.
Contents outside of magenta background:
The user should not confuse the markings on a filter relating to any standard other
than EN 12941 with the classification of this device when used with the corresponding filter.
● “EN12942, TH2P R S” are specific terminology for Filter Protection Classification per EN 12941:1998 + A2 : 2008.
● White label background is specific to Filter color coding requirements per EN 12941:1998 + A2 : 2008.