EM (Electric Measurements and 24V Supply) Measure Terminals
Input Terminals for measuring voltage, current, supplying loop power,
and Frequency and pulse types refer specification sheet on
page no.
79 Section 6.6 and page no. 82 Section 6.13, 6.14.
Current Measurement
PCE-MCA 50 supports current measurement using either PCE-MCA
50 as the loop power supply while at the same time measuring the
current or simply measuring the current while an external power
supply is used.
The following picture displays the connection for Current
Measurement for different mode. And
also different ways of providing
the supply power to the loop.
mA Current Measurement
In this mode PCE-MCA 50 not providing any supply voltage.
For proper measurement the external device should capable of
providing the voltage supply. If the external device should not
capable, an external Power Supply should be connected in