Channel Name [Easy • Enhanced • Pro]
Ready to add a name? Tap in the name box to bring up the keyboard (as seen in the image below). Type in the name
you want for that channel followed by tapping “Enter”. Our host’s name is Johnny. The name is limited to 36 characters.
Notice the Channel ID... the name and icon are there! Also notice that both the top and bottom of the channel strip becomes
the selected color. The preset that you loaded is there, as well, but presets aren’t “displayed”.
As seen in all of these images, a small number resides in the upper-left corner regardless of name, icon and/or color. This
number represents each channel and it cannot be changed or removed. Trust us, it’s for the best, as it is for easy identification.
You may set up the remaining input and output channels the same way as listed above.
Bypass All Processing [Easy • Enhanced • Pro]
This is a true hardware bypass of all processing circuitry to ensure that there
is no coloration of the signal if processing is not needed. When this is engaged
[red with white text, as seen to the left], any effects that are added or changed
will have no effect on the signal. This switch is to make an A/B comparison between the processed signal and the signal
without any processing.
And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful house.” And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful
wife.” And you may tell yourself, “There are no FX, gates/comps, EQ, etc. in Easy Mode.” Well, if that’s true, then
what exactly does ‘Bypass All Processing’ do when in Easy Mode? Presets, of course! Presets can – and do! –
shape the sound just as much as individually changing the parameters when in Enhanced or Pro Mode.
Microphone / Channel Setup... [Easy]
If you are still having issues with setup, there is a setup assistance for the inputs. This includes microphone (and instrument)
setup on channels 1-4 and channel setup on channels 5-10. Simply tap the button. This will send you to the microphone
(and instrument) or channel setup section of the setup assistant.
Bypass All Processing
Mic and Channel Setup Buttons in EASY mode