73VR2102 / 73VR2104 / 73VR2106 / 73VR2108 / 73VR2110 / 73VR2112 USERS MANUAL EM-7395-B Rev.24
Data search is available using three parameters: Date & time, Maximum value, and Minimum value.
Touching Search key in the main menu opens Search view as shown below.
Search view, Date & Time search mode.
Search view, Max. or Min. value search mode.
Date & time search
Data at a specific time index. is searched. Specify a date and time using the
numeric input keypad.
The searched data at the specified time is located at the top of the chart, and
the previous data is shown below that.
Maximum value search
Maximum data within a specified time span is searched. The searched data
at the specified time is located at the top of the chart, and the previous data
is shown below that.
When you press Menu key at this moment, Next key is added to the menu, so
that you can continue searching the second greatest value.
Minimum value search
Minimum data within a specified time span is searched. The searched data
at the specified time is located at the top of the chart, and the previous data
is shown below that.
When you press Menu key at this moment, Next key is added to the menu, so
that you can continue searching the second smallest value.
Data search may take time depending upon the data volume.
Analog alarm events and discrete signal status changes are stored in the CF Card. This data can be searched and
displayed on the Alarm History view. When you touch the top part of the screen (enclosed in the frame), control keys
Alarm history.
Alarm history control keys.