73VR2102 / 73VR2104 / 73VR2106 / 73VR2108 / 73VR2110 / 73VR2112 USERS MANUAL EM-7395-B Rev.24
Touching the current selection of the Color opens a color palette. Choose a desired color from the palette.
Line thickness
This setting is selectable even during recording.
Normal line
Thick line
Decimal place
Decimal places for the digital indicator can be specified. This setting is selectable even during recording.
3 decimal places
2 decimal places
1 decimal place
No decimal point
Plot range with decimal place on the scale
Plot range in an engineering unit can be indicated on the scale in Trend and Bargraph views. For example, when the
lower range is set to 0, and the upper range is set to 1000, the scale shows 10 divisions (0, 100, 200, ... 900, 1000).
How many decimal places are to be shown depends upon the ‘Decimal place’ setting. For example, when ‘2’ decimals
are selected, the scale shows two decimal places.
For thermocouple and RTD input, only ‘0’ or ‘1’ is selectable.
Square Root
Input data is square-root-extracted when this setting is enabled.
Overview Color
This option can be changed while recording.
Specify the bargraph color for the pen in the Overview. Use the color palette.
If you have specified alarm-specific colors in Pen (Alarm) Setting, these colors are applied instead of Overview Color.
Analog type and Input range
With 100 msec. storing intervals, only voltage input ranges are selectable.
Selectable signal types and input ranges are as shown in the table in the next page. For DC input, choose the upper
and lower range values (0% and 100%) within the measurable range. For temperature input, the input range is equal
to the measurable range, thus fixed.
Input range
Max. 6 digits including a decimal point and minus sign