TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
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November 2018
TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
Ensure the intercylinder baffles are installed on three fins as shown in Figure 43 as a
“tight fit” (as shown in Figure 44) and not loose (Figure 45). It could be necessary to
bend the angles of the intercylinder baffle to ensure a tight fit.
Figure 44
Correct Tight Fit of Intercylinder Baffle
Figure 45
Loose Fit of Intercylinder Baffle
Install the fuel injector rail assembly on the cylinder per the “Fuel Injector Rail Assembly
Installation” procedure in Chapter 73-10.
Install the exhaust tube (Figure 11) and a new gasket with the two washers and two nuts.
Install the applicable intake pipe on the cylinder per the “Intake Pipe Installation” procedure
in Chapter 72-80.
AB. Oil Drain Tube Installation
Since there are different oil drain tube assemblies for the engine cylinders, refer to
TEO-540-C1A Illustrated Parts Catalog
for the correct part number for the oil
drain tube assembly to ensure the correct oil drain tube assembly is installed on the
corresponding engine cylinder.
If a new nipple (Figure 46) is to be installed on the crankcase, apply Loctite
564 to the
threads of the nipple. Torque the nipple to 85 in.-lb. (9.6 Nm).
Connect a new hose to the nipple in the crankcase.
Figure 46
Oil Drain Tube
Figure 47
Oil Drain Tubes, Clamps, and Fittings