TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
© 2018 Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved
Page 54
November 2018
TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
Table 2
Action to Take in Volcanic Ash Conditions
Maintenance after flight…
Maintenance after 10 hours of operation or the
next flight…
Wear personal protective equipment (gloves,
respiratory, and eye protection). Per the aircraft
manufacturer’s instructions, thoroughly remove the
ash or particulate from the aircraft by hand brushing or
air/vacuuming. Make sure that all ash is removed from
the engine and cowling.
Wear personal protective equipment. Examine the
external engine and cowling for any particulate or
ash residue. Remove any particulate or ash residue
per the aircraft manufacturer’s instructions.
Complete the post-flight inspection. Particularly,
examine the induction filters, induction system, and
engine baffles for blockage or damage.
Complete the pre-flight inspection per the Pilot’s
Operating Handbook (POH).
Immediately, complete an oil change and replace the
oil filter. Collect an oil sample and have a
spectrographic analysis done on the oil sample.
Compare this analysis with past oil analyses to
determine engine wear or contamination. Refer to
Chapter 12-10.
Change the oil and replace the oil filter. Collect an
oil sample for spectrographic analysis. Compare the
results against the last oil sample to identify engine
wear or effects of contamination. As a precaution,
complete another oil change and analysis of another
oil sample again. Refer to Chapter 12-10.
Replace the intake air filter, as per the aircraft
manufacturer’s instructions to remove any internal
contamination that can cause premature wear because
of the highly abrasive effects from most solid particles.
Replace the intake air filter as a precaution to be
sure there are no effects from particulate
contamination. Replace the intake air filter again
after the next flight.
Examine the external condition of the engine, all
accessories, external fuel and oil cooling air baffles, oil
hoses, and all other components for corrosion or
scoring. Identify any possible damage caused by high
speed impact from solid particles and corrosive effects
caused by the chemical composition of volcanic ash.
Examine the external condition of the engine, all
accessories, external fuel and oil cooling air baffles,
oil hoses, and all other components for corrosion or
scoring. Identify any possible damage caused by
high speed impact from solid particles and corrosive
effects caused by the chemical composition of the
volcanic ash.
Drain all other fuel/fluids from the engine and replace
with clean fluids. Replace the disposable airframe fuel
filter or remove and clean the fuel inlet screen, as per
the aircraft manufacturer’s instructions.
Remove and examine the airframe fuel filter or fuel
inlet screen to identify any remnants of
contamination. Replace the airframe fuel filter or
clean the fuel inlet screen if contamination is found.
Examine seals for damage and leaks. Replace damaged
or leaky seals.
Monitor oil temperature and pressure for indications
of engine problems during flight.
Clean the engine, except the wiring harness, with a
high-pressure air spray. Be sure to clean the cooling
fins on the cylinders.