TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
© 2018 Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved
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November 2018
TEO-540-C1A Engine Maintenance Manual
For each of the two shroud tubes,
install the plunger assembly and
hydraulic socket in the tappet body in
the crankcase (Figure 33).
Apply engine oil mixture (15% pre-
lubricant (STP or equivalent) and
85% SAE No. 50 mineral base
aviation grade lubricating oil) to all
four of the shroud tube oil seals, two
for each shroud tube.
Install one shroud tube oil seal and a
washer into the cups in the tappet
bores of the crankcase (Figure 34).
On each shroud tube, assemble the
other shroud tube oil seal and sleeve
over the outer end of the shroud tube
(Figure 18).
Install the shroud tube spring and
washer over the inner ends of each
shroud tube where the detent notches
in the spring are 90
removed from
the tangs on the shroud tubes as
shown in Figure 35.
Install each shroud tube through the
shroud tube oil seal in the crankcase.
Hold both shroud tubes with the
detent at the inner end at the unlocked
position and insert the outer end of
the tubes in the rocker box of the
cylinder head.
Make sure that all shroud tube oil
seals are installed squarely.
Turn each shroud tube 90
and use
either a Shroud Tube Wrench, ST-
142 (Figure 36) or an internal pipe
wrench to engage the tangs with the
detents in the springs to lock each
shroud tube in position.
As necessary, gently tap the shroud
tube springs with a rubber mallet to
correctly and securely seat these
springs (Figure 37).
Figure 33
Tappet Plunger and Socket
Figure 34
Shroud Tube Oil Seals in Crankcase
Figure 35
Shroud Tube with Springs and Washer
Figure 36
Shroud Tube Wrench ST-142
Figure 37
Correctly Aligned Shroud Tube Springs