Chapter 6 Configuring PNNI
PNNI System-Wide Configuration
PSAX 4500 Multiservice Media Gateway User Guide
, Issue 2
Release 8.0.0
The display fields on this window provide the following information:
Page Up
Scrolls up one page.
Page Down
Scrolls down one page.
Displays entries at the top of the table.
Displays entries at the bottom of the table.
Total: 0/0
The first number in this field indicates the
identification number of the table entry
on the first line of the currently displayed
window. The second number indicates the
total number of table entries.
Searches this table by the values you enter
in the Index, Type, Plan, Id, and TNS
Index fields.
Add Route TNS Entry
Displays the PNNI Route Address Configu-
ration window.
Go Back to Previous Screen
Redisplays the PNNI System-Wide Config-
uration window.
Table 6-9. Field Descriptions for the PNNI Route TNS Table Window
Field Name
Total: 0/0
The first number in this field indicates the identi-
fication number of the connection table entry on
the first line of the currently displayed window.
The second number indicates the total number of
connection table entries for this connection type.
For more information on the values in the display columns
below, see the Field Description Table for the PNNI Route TNS Config-
uration window.
Node Index
Displays the default five-number value on the
PNNI Route TNS Table window. Identifies a logi-
cal PNNI entity in the PSAX system.
TNS Type
Displays the Transit Network String Type. Indi-
cates the type of network ID of a specified transit