Joint Robot Manipulator - Software Operation Manual
Advantech LNC Technology Co., Ltd.
A: Coordinate A or J4
B: Coordinate B or J5
C: Coordinate C or J6
U: Coordinate U
V: Coordinate V
G31 M1 Z-100 F3000 R4000 S1
Decrease by 100mm at a speed of 3000. If R4000.0=1
during the decrease, the unfinished action of this
command is ignored.
G31 Z-100 F3000 R4000 S3 T3
At the speed of 3000, the Z axis moves to the position of
the work coordinate-100mm. During the descent, if
R4000.0=1 and R4000.1=1, the unfinished action of this
instruction is ignored and is no longer executed.
Note: In the system built-in PLC program, I70~I73 will be corresponding to R23730, and
the I point to trigger stop can be set to this number to facilitate the use of this function.
Sensing torque stop (R value comparison) (G32)
Code description
R: the number of R
S: Compare conditions. 0 greater than, 1 greater than or equal to, 2 equal to, 3 less than, 4 less
than or equal to, 5 not equal to 6, 6 absolute value greater than, and 7 absolute value less than.
T: The value being compared.
L: 0 world, 1 work, 2 tool, 3 joint. (default: work)
M: 0 absolute, 1 relative. (Default: Absolute)
X: Coordinate X or J1.
Y: Coordinate Y or J2
Z: Coordinate Z or J3
A: Coordinate A or J4
B: Coordinate B or J5
C: Coordinate C or J6
U: Coordinate U
V: Coordinate V