Joint Robot Manipulator - Software Operation Manual
Advantech LNC Technology Co., Ltd.
: Set the selected coordinate system record value to the current work coordinate
: bring the XYZ of the right P0 into the coordinate system record.
: bring the "coordinate system attitude" ABC calculated from the coordinate
system on the right into the coordinate system record.
Principle and operation of three-point coordinate system
In mathematics, we can determine a coordinate system through three-point positions, where:
origin of the coordinate system
the point on the main axis
point on the secondary axis (on the plane)
According to the difference of the actual workpiece or the direction of the action path, the main
axis may be a point on +X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z, and the secondary axis is also the same, so 24
kinds of three-point definition can be provided.
After selecting the relative position of the object in the working area and the manipulator arm,
the three-point coordinate system can be set. The operation mode is as follows:
First select the origin P0 and P1, P2 to be used as the basis for the calculation of the
coordinate system.
First adjust the robot to an appropriate attitude and align to P0, P1, P2.
According to the axial direction where P1 and P2 are located, click the upper axial selection
to switch the axis.
Press XYZABC below to align the Ptool to P0, then press "P0" to bring "Current World
Coordinates" into P0 coordinates.
If you only intend to use the position of the offset coordinate system and do not intend to
change the rotation of the coordinate system, just correct P0.
Press XYZABC below to align the tool Ptool to P1, then press "P1" to bring "Current World
Coordinates" into P1 coordinates.
Press XYZABC below to align the tool Ptool to P2, then press "P2" to bring "Current World
Coordinates" into P2 coordinates.
The system automatically calculates the attitude of the coordinate system.