Joint Robot Manipulator - Software Operation Manual
Advantech LNC Technology Co., Ltd.
Joint record
The point position corresponding to the joint record is used as the "work coordinate system".
The system first converts the joint record to world coordinates and then brings it into the value of
the "coordinate system".
It is suitable for the condition that the tool parameters need to be dynamically switched but the
actual position of the object cannot be changed. For example, the multi-fork jaw of the palletizer
needs to be inserted into the groove of the roller conveyor to clamp the feed bag, but it cannot
affect the position of the clamping because of setting different tool parameters.
Setting the joint coordinates directly
Same as the previous option, except that the coordinate values are direct inputs and are typically
used for development environment testing.
Re-offset direct setting
Based on the current work coordinate system, the work coordinate value at a certain point is
converted to world coordinates to replace the original "work coordinate system". It's usually used
for development environment testing, or to simplify the repetitive coordinate conversion work on
the working path.
Re-offset dynamic setting
Based on the current work coordinate system, the work coordinate value recorded in the R value
is converted to world coordinates to replace original "work coordinate system".
It is suitable for resetting the coordinate system with the offset obtained after recognition when
the vision system is mounted on the end of the robot.