Configuration with the PC
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V 1.2
zirkon Configuration Manual
The entered actions control the status of the fader, PFL
function and pre-conference function. While the functions
Up, Down, On and Off set the status of the source
unambiguously, the toggle function allows a status change
with every new action. For example you can alternate the
PFL function between on and off with a button. These
functions are all triggered by the rising edge.
Assigning LED colours
These fields exist for all four multifunctional buttons in
the channel strip. They activate the lamps (LEDs) behind
the buttons.
Double-click on the green field next to the required
A tree selection opens.
Assign a logic function to the button (see „logic“)!
Word-music switch
With these two functions you can easily establish a word-
music switch.
The action assigns the source to summing bus 2 and cuts
it from summing bus 1. In the second field the reverse
Double-click on the green field and assign a
condition to the function!
The functions Channel On, Channel Off and Channel Mute
facilitate the audio signal of a source assigned to the
control panel to be switched on and off in addition to the
fader and the input Mute.
Channel On/Off Channel Mute
The function
Channel On
uses the value of the fader for
amplification or attenuation. With
Channel Off
the fader
position is ignored and the channel is switched to mute.
The states Faderstart and nFaderstart of a source work
independent from Channel On/Off.