The AT&T Standard for ESF
AT&T Publication 54016 (revised 1989) defines the performance-monitoring and
data-link requirements for ESF CSUs. Per the latest revision of Publication 54016
(September 1989), the following performance parameters must be monitored:
ESF Error Event—
Any ESF in which an OOF event or CRC-6 error
Errored Second (ES)—
A second with one or more CRC errors or
Out-of-Frame (OOF) conditions.
Severely Errored Second (SES)—
A second with 320 or more CRC
errors or one or more Out-of-Frame (OOF) conditions.
Bursty Errored Second (BES)—
A second with more than one but less
than 320 CRC errors.
Unavailable Second (UAS)—
A second during which Unavailable
Signal State is in effect. Unavailable Signal State is declared after 10
consecutive seconds of SES; it is cleared after 10 consecutive seconds
which are not SES.
Loss of Frame Count (LOFC)—
The number of times Loss of Frame
is declared. Loss of Frame is declared when a device loses sync on the
framing pattern for approximately 2.5 seconds. Loss of Frame is
cleared when a device maintains sync for about 15 milliseconds.
Controlled Slips (CS)—
Monitored and reported by devices which
perform controlled timing slips, optional.
ES, BES, SES, and UAS counts are to be kept in 24-hour registers divided into
96 intervals of 15 minutes each. In addition, a running total count of ESF errors
is to be kept. All ESF performance statistics can be requested, transmitted, and
cleared via the data link.
AT&T Publication 54016 defines two loopbacks which can be controlled from
the network. Line loopback (near the CSU’s line interface) is controlled by
in-band codes. Payload Loopback (near the CSU’s DTE interface) is controlled
by data link codes. These loopbacks correspond to Access-T’s LS Line and DS
Line loopbacks, respectively.
Chapter 1
June 1996