SM12XPA Web User Guide
33848 Rev. A
RED Drop Probability Function
The figure below shows the drop probability versus fill level function with associated parameters.
Min. is the fill level where the queue randomly starts dropping frames marked with Drop Precedence Level > 0
(yellow frames).
If Max Unit is 'Drop Probability' (the green line), Max controls the drop probability when the fill level is just
below 100%.
If Max Unit is 'Fill Level' (the red line), Max controls the fill level where drop probability reaches 100%. This
configuration makes it possible to reserve a portion of the queue exclusively for frames marked with Drop
Precedence Level 0 (green frames). The reserved portion is calculated as (100 - Max) %.
Frames marked with Drop Precedence Level 0 (green frames) are never dropped. The drop probability for
frames increases linearly from zero (at Min average queue filling level) to Max Drop Probability or Fill Level.
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