PLM Series Operation Manual rev 1.1.3
9. Front Panel Interface
67 Dimming
Press soft button 3 and use the rotary encoder to adjust the display backlight. Four levels of dimming are
available. Channel order
Press soft button 4 and use the rotary encoder to adjust the channel order. Two options are available, the
standard “Top – Down” and an opposite “Bottom – Up”. This alters how both inputs and output channels
are displayed.
9.13.6 Frame Preset submenu
This submenu is selected by pressing soft button 6, labelled
Frame Prst
from the menu top page.
Up to 100 Frame Presets can be stored within the PLM Processor. The data within a Frame Preset includes
the configurations of all Modules in the Frame: gain, delay and limiter levels; input mixer configurations; and
output routing information. As Frame Presets are stored within the PLM, complete processor configurations
may be recalled without the need to connect the PLM to a PC.
To recall a previously saved Frame Preset, press soft button 2 to highlight the text, and then use the rotary
control to display the Preset required. Then press soft button 8 (‘Recall’) to load the Frame Preset into the
9.13.7 LoadSmart
This submenu is selected by pressing soft button 7, labelled
Load mon
from the menu top page. Note that
the options available in this submenu are also accessible from the Lake Controller software.
Estimated #
of cabinets
Load mon.
Configure #
of cabinets
in parallel
Figure 9.13.7: LoadSmart option
view Configure # of cabinets in parallel
This option (soft button 2) allows the user to enter the number of speaker cabinets connected to each PLM
output channel. Each channel may be selected in turn and the rotary control used to enter a value of 1, 2, 3
or 4. This figure is used by the PLM’s LoadSmart load verification and SpeakerSafe real-time performance
monitoring routines to confirm the correct connection and status of the speakers connected to each PLM
Frame Presets must be saved initially from the Lake
Controller software.