Chapter 2 Performance Specifications
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Service Function
The service functions for SICOM3024SM mainly include:
LED Indicator
The LEDs (front panel) indicate the port status correctly including transmission rate,
link status and system status.
Layer-2 Switching
Switches work in two ways: Cut-Through and Store-and-Forward. In Cut-Through, a
data packet is immediately relayed further after detecting the target address; in
Store-and-Forward, a data packet is first read-in completely and checked for errors
before the switch relays the same. SICOM3024SM employs Store-and-Forward that is
a switching mode widely used.
VLAN will divide one network into multiple logical subnets. Data packets cannot be
transmitted between different VLANs so as to control the broadcast domain and
segment flow and improve the reliability, security and manageability. SICOM3024SM
series supports IEEE802.1q VLAN tag. It can be divided into up to 4094 VLANs based
on ports. The VLAN division can be realized via WEB, CLI, etc. VLAN Tag packet is
transmitted transparently.
QoS Priority
IEEE 802.1p is the most popular priority solution in the LAN environment.
SICOM3024SM series supports 802.1p, as well as IP TOS and DSCP, by which you
can configure the port-based priority when the terminal does not support the above
trhee configurations, and different priority for the ports is wanted. This configuration
can only affect the packets without priority in the port. SICOM3024SM supports four
class of priority.
Port Trunking
In SICOM3024SM, multiple physical ports can be aggregated into one logic port,
which has the same rate, duplex and VLAN ID. Port Trunking can be configured in one
single switch for max 4 ports. In this way, the pressure of network traffic is reduced.
Port Mirroring
The data of one port can be mapped to another port for user to real-time monitor the