Chapter 7 WEB Management
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Figure 7-45 RMON History Configuration
RMON Alarm
Click “RMON Alarm” in the left menu to configure as figure 7-46. Select alarm node in
the MIB list and double click, the OID will finish automatically. In this page, enter index
no.(from 1-65535) , owner serial no. (1-32), and select port no. (ifindex.0/1-4,1/1-6,
2/1-6, 3/1-6, 4/1-6), sampling type( absolute/ delta), alarm type (rising alarm/ falling
alarm/ rise or fall alarm), sampling interval (1-65535), rising threshold value(1-65535),
falling threshold value(1-65535), rising event index(1-65535) and falling event
index(1-65535). Click “Apply” to finish.