4.3.4 EtherCAT communication phases
4.4 CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE) State Machine
4.4.2 Commands in the Control Word
4.4.3 State Machine Bits (status word)
4.6.1 Example: Flexible PDO Mapping
4.7 Supported Cyclical Setpoint and Actual Values
4.9 Adjusting EtherCAT Cycle Time
4.10 Maximum Cycle Times depending on operation mode
4.11.1 Synchronization behavior with distributed clocks (DC) enabled
4.11.2 Synchronization behavior with distributed clocks (DC) disabled
4.12 Latch Control Word and Latch Status Word
4.13.3 Example: Mailbox Access
5.1 CANopen Emergency Messages and Error Codes
5.2.2 Effectiveness of PDO set-points
5.2.4 Manufacturer specific SDOs
5.3.1 Object 1000h: Device Type (DS301)
5.3.2 Object 1001h: Error register (DS301)
5.3.3 Object 1002h: Manufacturer Status Register (DS301)
5.3.4 Object 1003h: Predefined Error Field (DS301)
5.3.5 Object 1005h: COB-ID of the SYNC Message (DS301)
5.3.6 Object 1006h: Communication Cycle Period (DS301)
5.3.7 Object 1008h: Manufacturer Device Name (DS301)
5.3.8 Object 1009h: Manufacturer Hardware Version
5.3.9 Object 100Ah: Manufacturer Software Version (DS301)
5.3.10 Object 100Ch: Guard Time (DS301)Response monitoring
5.3.11 Object 100Dh: Lifetime Factor (DS301)
5.3.12 Object 1010h: Store Parameters (DS301)
5.3.13 Object 1011h: Restore Default Parameters DS301
5.3.14 Object 1012h: COB-ID of the Time Stamp (DS301)
5.3.15 Object 1014h: COB-ID for Emergency Message (DS301)
5.3.16 Object 1016h: Consumer Heartbeat Time
AKD EtherCAT | Table of Contents
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017