3.8.4 Download a parameterfile over TwinCAT
You can download a parameter file to the drive over EtherCAT. Before you start, make sure
that the drive is in INIT, PREOP, or SAFEOP state before trying to download the file.
1. First select the drive where you want to perform the download.
2. Change to the online tab.
3. Press the download button.
4. Chose “All Files (*.*)” as filetype to see the parameter files which end with “.akd”.
5. Select the file.
6. press open (6) to start the download.
Downloading a parameter file over TwinCAT is support by all drives from firmware 01.12.000.
AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017