background image




The bounce mat must be dry. Only jump when there is no wind, or only a light breeze. The 
trampoline must not be used in strong wind. 


Always start by jumping of the marking in the middle of the bounce mat. If you land more than 30 
cm from the marking, stop immediately. Start jumping again from the marking in the middle of the 
bounce mat. 


Read all the instructions before starting to jump so that you can use the trampoline safely and 
thereby obtain the greatest possible benefit and pleasure from it. 


Never use the trampoline if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication. 


Remove all hard and sharp objects from your pockets before using the trampoline. 


Observe care and use the correct technique when getting on and off the trampoline. Never jump up 
or down from the trampoline and do not use it as a springboard. 


Learn to master basic jumping techniques before continuing with more advanced exercises. Read 
the section on basic jumping techniques to learn the basics. 


Cushion jumps and stop by bending your knees when landing. 


Make sure you are always in control when jumping on the trampoline. A controlled jump is when 
you jump up and land at the same place. If you feel that you are losing control, stop by bending 
your knees when you land. 


Jump in short sessions, and do not jump too high. 


Keep your eyes on the bounce mat to achieve better control over your jumping. If you look in 
another direction you can lose your balance and control. 


Never allow more than one person at once to jump on the trampoline. 


There must always be a person to supervise the jumping. 


Learn basic jumping techniques and read all the safety instructions. Reduce the risk of personal 
injury by applying all the safety instructions and make sure that beginners learn the basic jumping 
techniques before they continue with more difficult and more advanced jumps. 


All jumpers must be supervised, irrespective of skill and age. 


Never use the trampoline when it is wet, damaged or worn. Check the trampoline each time before 
using it. 


Remove all objects that can disturb the jumper from the trampoline. Carefully check what is above, 
below or around the trampoline. 


When the trampoline is not in use it must be protected from unauthorised use.


Risk of accidents 

Getting on and off 


Observe care when getting on and off the trampoline. 


Do not grip the frame pad and do not step on the springs when getting on the trampoline. 


Do not jump onto the trampoline from the ground, a roof, or a ladder. This increases the risk of 
personal injury. Never jump down from the trampoline, regardless of what the ground below looks 
like. If small children are playing on the trampoline they need to be helped on and off. 

Alcohol and drugs 


Never use the trampoline if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs, this will have a 
negative effect on your judgement, response and general body control

More than one jumper 


More than one person at once jumping increases the risk of personal injury. The risk of a jumper 
flying off the trampoline, losing control, knocking into other jumpers, or landing on the springs, 
increases. In general it will be the lightest person on the trampoline that is exposed to the greatest 

Landing on the frame or springs 


Always jump in the middle of the trampoline. This reduces the risk of personal injury from landing 
on the frame or springs. 


Make sure that the frame pad always covers the springs. 


Never walk or jump on the frame pad, it is not strong enough for this. 

Summary of Contents for 951-155

Page 1: ...g for trampoline Instrukcja obs ugi trampoliny Operating Instructions for Trampoline 951 155 SV Bruksanvisning i original NO Bruksanvisning i original PL Instrukcja obs ugi w oryginale EN Operating in...

Page 2: ...g 5 Montering av s kerhetsskylt 11 Steg 6 Kantskydd 12 HANDHAVANDE 13 Hopplektioner 13 Lektion 1 13 Lektion 2 13 Lektion 3 14 Lektion 4 14 Grundl ggande hopp 14 Grundhopp rakt hopp 14 Kn hopp 14 Sitth...

Page 3: ...zyko wypadku 30 Schodzenie i wchodzenie 30 Alkohol i narkotyki 30 Kilku skacz cych 30 L dowanie na ramie lub spr ynach 31 Utrata kontroli 31 Przewroty w powietrzu 31 Obce przedmioty 31 Niew a ciwa kon...

Page 4: objects 43 Inadequate maintenance 43 Weather conditions 43 Restriction of access 43 Reducing the risk of accidents 43 The jumper 43 The supervisor 43 ASSEMBLY 43 Positioning 43 Before assembling 44...

Page 5: ...ning Flytta bort eventuella f rem l under trampolinen Trampolinens gare och den som vervakar hoppningen ansvarar f r att informera alla anv ndare om s kerhetsanvisningar och liknande Hoppning p trampo...

Page 6: ...L r dig grundl ggande hoppteknik och l s alla s kerhetsanvisningar Minska risken f r personskada genom att till mpa alla s kerhetsanvisningar och se till att nyb rjare l r sig grundl ggande hoppteknik...

Page 7: fj drar och allm n stabilitet V derf rh llanden Trampolinen f r inte anv ndas i regn eller bl st Om hoppduken r v t riskerar anv ndaren att halka Om det bl ser f r mycket kan anv ndaren f rlora kon...

Page 8: ...r f r att informera alla anv ndare om s kerhetsanvisningar och liknande i denna bruksanvisning Den som ansvarar f r trampolinen ska vara en vuxen och ansvarsfull person som alltid n rvarar n r trampol...

Page 9: f sten f r benb gar 3 Benb ge 5 Vertikal benf rl ngning 6 Steg 2 Underrede 1 F r in alla vertikala benf rl ngningar 6 i benb garna 5 Steg 3 vre ram 1 Tv personer beh vs f r detta monteringssteg En...

Page 10: vs f r det h r monteringssteget VARNING N r du f ster fj drarna stramas ramen t och du riskerar att kl mma dig i fogarnas kontaktpunkter 0 12 Hoppduk 1 L gg ut hoppduken inuti ramen 2 Totalt antal...

Page 11: ...n visar i vilka h l de fyra f rsta fj drarna ska f stas Fig 5 Diameter trampolin Fj der 1 Klockan 12 Fj der 2 Klockan 3 Fj der 3 Klockan 6 Fj der 4 Klockan 9 3 05 m H l 0 H l 15 H l 30 H l 45 OBS Att...

Page 12: ...varje anv ndning 1 L gg ut kantskyddet ver trampolinen 1 s att fj drar och st lram t cks 2 Se till att kantskyddet t cker alla metalldelar 3 L gg ut knytbanden 4 Knyt fast bandet 2 runt benf stet 5 Kn...

Page 13: ...polinen eftersom det sliter p hoppduken G alltid p och av trampolinen p r tt s tt f r att undvika personskada G upp genom att placera handen p ramen och antingen kliva eller rulla upp p ramen ver fj d...

Page 14: ...veckla sin teknik med betoning p kontroll och korrekt kroppsposition Leken HOPPIS r ett uppskattat s tt att utveckla hoppteknik och l ra sig nya saker Alla kan vara med Hoppare 1 b rjar och g r ett ho...

Page 15: ...n f r att g tillbaka till st ende grundposition Fallhopp med 180 v ndning 1 G r ett fallhopp 2 Tryck ifr n med v nster eller h ger hand beroende vilket h ll du vill v nda t 3 H ll upp huvudet h ll kva...

Page 16: ...ler om kantskyddet saknas Utskjutande delar s rskild med vassa kanter p ram fj drar eller hoppduk OBS Om n got av ovanst ende f religger eller n got annat som du anser kan orsaka personskada ska tramp...

Page 17: ...linens eier og den som har tilsyn med hoppingen har ansvar for informere alle brukerne om sikkerhetsanvisninger og lignende En velinformert voksen person skal ha tilsyn med all hopping p trampolinen K...

Page 18: ...avanserte hopp Alle hoppere skal overv kes uansett ferdighet og alder Bruk aldri trampolinen n r den er v t skadet eller slitt Trampolinen skal unders kes f r hver bruk Flytt alle gjenstander som kan...

Page 19: ...mpolinen ikke brukes skal trampolinestigen oppbevares p et trygt sted slik at barn ikke kan leke p trampolinen Redusere faren for ulykker Hopperens ansvar Det viktigste er ha kontroll over hoppene For...

Page 20: for informere alle brukerne om sikkerhetsanvisninger og lignende i denne bruksanvisningen Den ansvarlige for trampolinen skal v re en voksen og ansvarsbevisst person som alltid er til stede n r tra...

Page 21: ...fester for beinbuer 3 Beinbue 5 Vertikal beinforlenger 6 Trinn 2 Understell 1 F r alle vertikale beinforlengere 6 inn i alle beinbuene 5 Trinn 3 vre ramme 1 Dette monteringstrinnet krever to personer...

Page 22: ...eringstrinnet kreves to personer ADVARSEL N r du fester fj rene strammes remmen og du risikerer klemme deg i skj tenes kontaktpunkt 0 12 Hoppeduk 1 Legg ut hoppeduken inne i rammen 2 Totalt antall fj...

Page 23: ...e f rste fj rene skal festes Fig 5 Diameter trampoline Fj r 1 Klokken 12 Fj r 2 Klokken 3 Fj r 3 Klokken 6 Fj r 4 Klokken 9 3 05 m Hull 0 Hull 15 Hull 30 Hull 45 OBS At de fire f rste fj rene er jevnt...

Page 24: ...ruk 1 Legg ut kantbeskyttelsen over trampolinen 1 slik at fj rer og st lramme dekkes 2 S rg for at kantbeskyttelsen dekker alle metalldeler 3 Legg ut knyteb ndene 4 Knyt fast b ndet 2 rundt beinfestet...

Page 25: og opp p hoppeduken Husk alltid p plassere hendene p rammen n r du g r p og av trampolinen Du m ikke klatre direkte p kantbeskyttelsen og heller ikke holde deg fast i den G av trampolinen ved g fra...

Page 26: den f rste deltakerens hopp og legger til et nytt hopp Og slik fortsetter det til noen bommer og gj r feil Den f rste personen som bommer tildeles bokstaven H Dette fortsetter til noen har f tt all...

Page 27: ...g tilbake til st ende grunnposisjon Fallhopp med 180 vending 4 Utf r et fallhopp 5 Trykk fra med venstre og h yre h nd avhengig av hvilken side du vil vende til 6 Hold opp hodet fortsett holde skuldr...

Page 28: ...telsen mangler Utstikkende deler s rlig med skarpe kanter p ramme fj rer eller hoppeduk OBS Hvis noe av det ovennevnte har oppst tt eller noe annet som du mener kan for rsake personskade skal trampoli...

Page 29: Dopilnuj by trampolina nie by a u ywana bez zezwolenia lub nadzoru Uprz tnij przedmioty kt re mog znajdowa si pod trampolin W a ciciel trampoliny i osoba nadzoruj ca zabaw s odpowiedzialni za poinf...

Page 30: ...ntrol nad skokiem Je li patrzysz w inn stron mo esz straci r wnowag i kontrol Nigdy nie zezwalaj wi cej ni jednej osobie skaka na trampolinie W pobli u trampoliny zawsze powinna znajdowa si osoba nadz...

Page 31: ...cia a Przed ka dym u yciem trampoliny sprawd j pod k tem wygi cia stalowych rurek zu ycia maty uszkodzenia spr yn i og lnej stabilno ci Warunki pogodowe Nie nale y u ywa trampoliny podczas deszczu i...

Page 32: ...o zasadach bezpiecze stwa znajduj cych si w niniejszej instrukcji Osoba nadzoruj ca skakanie na trampolinie powinna by osob doros i odpowiedzialn Powinna by zawsze obecna gdy trampolina jest w u yciu...

Page 33: ...kowo wygi te nogi 3 ukowo wygi ta noga 5 Pionowe przed u enie nogi 6 Krok 2 Stela 1 Wprowad wszystkie pionowe przed u enia 6 do ukowo wygi tych n g 5 Krok 3 Rama g rna 1 Na tym etapie monta u potrzebn...

Page 34: osoby OSTRZE ENIE Podczas mocowania spr yn rama napr a si i istnieje niebezpiecze stwo zgniecenia palc w w punktach styku po cze 0 12 Mata do skakania 4 Roz mat wewn trz ramy 1 Ca kowita liczba spr...

Page 35: ...owinno si umie ci pierwsze cztery spr yny Rys 5 rednica trampoliny Spr yna 1 Godzina 12 Spr yna 2 Godzina 3 Spr yna 3 Godzina 6 Spr yna 4 Godzina 9 3 05 m Otw r 0 Otw r 15 Otw r 30 Otw r 45 UWAGA Zamo...

Page 36: ...os on kraw dzi na powierzchni trampoliny 1 tak by przykry spr yny i stalow ram 2 Dopilnuj aby os ona znalaz a si nad wszystkimi metalowymi cz ciami 3 Roz ta my do zawi zywania 4 Przywi ta m 2 wok moco...

Page 37: ...e u ywaj but w z tward podeszw np but w sportowych aby mata si nie zu y a Zawsze wchod na trampolin i schod z niej we w a ciwy spos b aby unikn obra e cia a Wchodz c umie d o na ramie i wespnij si lub...

Page 38: ...r bowali nowych skok w i rozwijali technik zwracaj c uwag na kontrol i poprawn pozycj cia a Uczniowie mog rozwija technik skakania i poznawa nowe rzeczy graj c w gr KANGUR Ka dy mo e wzi w niej udzia...

Page 39: ...maty aby wr ci do pozycji podstawowej Upadek z obrotem o 180 1 Wykonaj upadek przodem 2 Odepchnij si lew albo praw r k w zale no ci od tego w kt r stron chcesz si obr ci 3 Trzymaj g ow w g rze zachowa...

Page 40: ...ty zw aszcza z ostrymi kraw dziami w ramie spr ynach lub macie UWAGA Je li zaistnieje kt ra z powy szych sytuacji lub je eli zauwa ysz inne niebezpiecze stwo nios ce ze sob ryzyko obra e cia a nale y...

Page 41: ...hout authorisation or supervision Remove any objects under the trampoline The trampoline owner and person supervising the jumping is responsible to inform all users of the safety instructions etc Jump...

Page 42: instructions Reduce the risk of personal injury by applying all the safety instructions and make sure that beginners learn the basic jumping techniques before they continue with more difficult...

Page 43: ...access When the trampoline is not in use store the trampoline ladder in a safe place so that children cannot play on the trampoline Reducing the risk of accidents The jumper The most important thing i...

Page 44: ...e adult who is always present when the trampoline is used Before assembling WARNING Read the assembly instructions before use The only tool needed during the assembly is the supplied spring tool When...

Page 45: ...kets for leg bases 3 Leg base 5 Vertical leg extension 6 Step 2 Base 1 Insert all the vertical leg extensions 6 in the leg bases 5 Step 3 Upper frame 1 Two persons are needed for this stage of the ass...

Page 46: ...ENGLISH 46 Fig 3 3 Fit the upper frame parts 4 between the vertical leg extensions 6 see fig 4 Fig 4...

Page 47: ...e bounce mat Use the spring tool to fix the spring in the bounce mat by pulling them together and fastening the other spring hook in the ring on the bounce mat NOTE Remember where you started 12 o clo...

Page 48: ...ould be springs in the following holes 3 10 18 25 33 40 48 55 10 Fasten the remaining springs NOTE If you notice that you have missed a hole or a ring release the relevant springs and recount Step 5 F...

Page 49: ...ENGLISH 49 4 Tie the strap 2 round the leg 5 Straps 2 not tied round a leg must be firmly tightened so that the frame pad covers the frame Tie with a double knot...

Page 50: ...ear out the bounce mat Always get on and off the trampoline properly to avoid personal injury Get on by placing your hand on the frame and either climbing up or rolling over the frame over the springs...

Page 51: ...end your head up When you have turned 180 you will land in the drop position with your stomach on the mat After lesson 4 the student has learned the basic jumping techniques required for safe jumping...

Page 52: ...Do a low basic jump 2 2 Land on your knees Keep your back straight and hold your balance with the help of your arms 3 Jump back to a standing basic position by swinging your arms up Sitting jump 1 Do...

Page 53: ...l increase the risk of personal injury Holes and rips in the bounce mat Slumping or sagging bounce mat Loose seams or other wear on the bounce mat Bent or damaged frame parts e g leg bases Damaged or...
