FORM 145.05-NOM7
ISSUE DATE: 10/31/2019
The unit can be ordered with a factory installed Phase
Monitor. The monitor checks the 3-phase power to the
unit for low voltage, single phasing, or phase rever-
sal. If a fault occurs the Phase Monitor interrupts the
24-VAC power to the SD input at terminal 3 (SD) on
terminal block CTB1. The “Unit–Overall Status” at the
User Interface indicates “Local Stop” when the Phase
Monitor detects a problem.
The Phase Monitor restores power to the SD terminal
when the fault condition is corrected and the Unit Con-
troller resumes normal unit operation.
Supply Air
For connection of supply ductwork directly to the unit,
a duct collar must be mounted at the unit outlet. When
connecting ductwork to the unit, a canvas type con-
necting collar is recommended. It is also recommended
to have turning vanes or long radius duct work, espe-
cially if duct work turns close to the unit discharge.
If the duct work goes in two different directions, two
transducers should be used.
If a field fabricated plenum is used, canvas type con-
nectors are recommended at the duct connection to the
Units are also available with a factory provided dis-
charge plenum. Supply duct connections to the plenum
opening(s) should include a canvas type connector.
Plenum opening sizes and locations are indicated on
the job submittal drawing.
Return Air
Return air to the unit can be arranged in two ways.
Ducted Return
All ductwork connected to the unit should be of ad-
equate size and construction for the application. A can-
vas type connecting collar is also recommended where
the duct penetrates the machine room wall(s). This pre
vents vibration generated by air movement in the duct
from being transmitted out to the occupied spaces.
Failure to use the recommended duct
collars could result in noise transmission
into the occupied space.
Do not obstruct unit access panel located
below the return opening.
Free Return
The mechanical equipment room may be used as a re-
turn plenum with no hard connection at the unit.
Some building codes do not allow the use
of mechanical rooms as a return plenum.
Applicable local codes should be checked
for each installation.
Piping must comply with local plumbing
codes and ordinances.
Due to the variety of piping practices, it is advisable to
follow the recommendations of local authorities. They
can supply the installer with the proper building and
safety codes required for a safe and proper installation.
The water piping should be installed with a minimum
number of bends and elevation changes for best perfor-
mance. Piping should contain
1. Vibration eliminators to reduce vibration and
noise transmission to the building.
2. Shutoff valves to isolate the unit from the piping
system during unit servicing.
3. Manual or automatic air vent valves at the high
points of the system.
4. Some means of maintaining adequate system wa-
ter pressure (for example, the expansion tank or
regulating valve).
5. Temperature and pressure indicators, and/or P &
T Plugs, located at the unit to aid in servicing and
checking water flow.