= Key1
= Key 2
= Key 3
= Max. value or consumption = Min. value or supply
Table 1a
Measured values in floating point format
Table 1b
Measured values in floating point format
Table 2a
Time information for minimum and maximum values and time information
Table 2b
Time information for min. and max. values and time of summer /winter changeover
Table 3
Averaging times of measured values
Table 4a
Measured values, integer format
Table 4b
Mean values, integer format
Table 4c
Maximum values, integer format
Table 4d
Minimum values, integer format
Table 5
Energy, integer format
Table 6
Delete energy
Table 7
Energy, floating point format
Table 8
EMAX peak values
Table 9
Scale of the measured values, which are called up in integer format
Table 10
Digital and analogue inputs and outputs
Table 11
List of LON network variables
Data formats
For the data, the following formats are used:
: 1 Byte (0 .. 255)
: 2 Byte (- 32 768 .. + 32 767)
unsign. long : 2 Byte (0 .. 4 294 967 296)
: 4 Byte (- 2 147 483 648 .. + 2 147 483 647)
: 4 Byte (IEEE754)
: 8 Byte (IEEE754)
The sequence of bytes is high before low byte.