= Key1
= Key 2
= Key 3
= Max. value or consumption = Min. value or supply
Possible reason
Programming data lost
Battery empty
Please send the device to the manufacturer for
replacement of the battery.
Real power too small /
Current transformer factor
Read current transformer ratio on current
too big
programmed incorrectly.
transformer and program correctly.
Current path is assigned
Check and correct connection.
to the wrong voltage path.
Current on measuring input
Install bigger or smaller current transformer.
out of measuring range.
Attention: Please ensure, that the measuring
inputs are not overloaded.
Voltage transformer factor
Read current transformer ratio on current
programmed incorrectly.
transformer and program correctly.
If the voltage is not measured via voltage
please program a voltage transformer ratio of
Current on measuring input
Install bigger or smaller current transformer.
out of measuring range.
Attention: Please ensure, that the measuring
inputs are not overloaded.
Real power consump./
One current transformer at
Check and correct connection.
supply exchanged.
least exchanged.
Current path is assigned to
Check and correct connection.
the wrong voltage path.
The time is indicated
The device has no automatical Correct time by hand.
summer-/winter change over.
"EEEE A" in the display. The measuring range of
Check measuring current and insert a suitable
current was exceeded.
"EEEE V" in the display The measuring range of
Check measuring voltage and insert a suitable
voltage was exceeded.
Duration of mem. =38s. Not enough memory for all
Select more equal averaging times for the
selected values.
Relay output, analogue
The outputs are not program.
Program the outputs.
output or pulse output
do not react.
The service protocol 04 is set
Select another protocol.
The device does not
Device out of order.
Please send the device to the manufacturer with
work correctly in spite
an exact description of the failure.
of the above