= Key1
= Key 2
= Key 3
= Max. value or consumption = Min. value or supply
5. Connect
measurement current
The UMG505 is designed for the connection
of ../1A and ../5A current transformers.
When the device is delivered, a current
transformer of ../5A is set.
Each current measurement input can be loaded with
5.2A for long duration or 180A for two seconds.
Over the current measuring inputs only alternating
current, but no direct current can be measured.
None earthed transformer clamps can be dangerous
to touch. Current transformers, which are not loaded
on the secondary can lead voltage dangerous to
touch and should be short circuited.
The current measurement inputs should be con-
nected one after the other. Please compare the
current indicated by UMG 505 with the attached
If the current transformer is short circuited, the UMG
505 must show zero A in the corresponding outer
The current indicated by UMG505 must match the
input current respecting the set current transformer.
6. Check measurement
If all voltage and current inputs have been
connected correctly, the phase and sum power is
calculated and indicated correctly.
Check all phase power
If a current transformer is assigned to the wrong
outer conductor, the corresponding phase power is
indicated incorrectly.
The assignment of the outer conductor to current
transformer is correct, if no voltage between the
outer conductor and the corresponding current
transformer (primary) appears.
To ensure, that an outer conductor at voltage
measurement input is assigned to the right current
transformer, the corresponding current transformer
can be short circuited on the secondary. The
apparent power, indicated by UMG 505 must be
zero in this phase.
If the apparent power is displayed correctly, but the
real power shows a „-“ sign, the current transformer
clamps are exchanged or power is supplied to the
energy supplier’ network.
Check sum power
If all voltage, current and power are displayed
correctly for the corresponding outer conductors, the
sum values must be correct as well. This can be
confirmed by comparing the measured sum power
with the energy, measured by the KW meter in the